Sunday 23 September 2007

The A Team

I loved the A team, it was fantastic weekend viewing - all that action, cars crashing, bullets flying, grenades - and not a scratch on anyone! But that's not the subject of my thread, how stupid was the Military Hospital that held Murdock?
Every week he'd be broken out, usually by Face in a white coat, surely they would start to recognise him after the first 5? And what do they do? Do they increase his security? Do they confine him? Nope they just take him straight back to his minimum security, ground floor room, with open windows and doors - they have a lot of trust in their ex-military mental patients with a history of escape. And how does he get back there? Do they eventually find him and bring him back? Does he go back of his own accord because he likes the meatloaf? Or do the others get tired of him and take him back? "Yeh, well thanks Murdock for saving us again, I can't believe we got caught again, and you managed to evade capture and find that chopper and fly in and save again. But that landing, well could've been better, yeh Hannibal dropped his cigar, you know what happens when... no Murdock stop crying, you're just going to have to go back there until you learn to perform a full precision pin-point landing after you've just saved your 3 friends from a group of mexican bandits who seem to have military connections".

In fact, how did he manage to evade capture every week when the others were caught? How come he always just happened to be out getting the food whenever Decker showed up? He was a bloody informant!! He wanted the reward! He'd go off for the food, get to a phone box and dob them in, once he realised he'd have to give himself up to get the money he'd go save them and wait to try again next time! Crafty bugger!!

1 comment:

PAULB said...

For me I recall "Face" being "Starbuck" in "Battlestar Gallactica" (original series) and "Murdoch" being "Barclay" in "Star Trek" (various versions)!!! I think a "Cylon" did appear on "The A Team" once for a laugh! Back to Earth! Remember nobody got Killed on a Team!!!!!!