Sunday 7 October 2007

Rules of Engagement

Now listen ladies, you just don't get it do you? In men there are unspoken rules that are just known and understood. The main of these are rules of the public toilet, or toilet etiquette if you will.
If you enter toilets in either a pub, hotel or at work, and there are lets say, 3 urinals which do you go to; A, B, or C? Of course you go to C, the furthest. If someone is already at C, where do you go? No - A, you do not stand next someone! If people are at A and C, what do you do? Of course! You go in the cubicle - these are the rules of mens toilets. Likewise if you're in for a bit of a sit and someone's in trap 1, don't go to trap 2 if there are more, it's just not right! They get uncomfortable, you get uncomfortable, nobody wants to hear what the other persons doing.
I get really mad in fact when someones comes in, it disturbs me, I can't relax while someone's there, I have to wait until they're gone. I hear them tearing the paper as they wipe the seat and then carefully lay the bits of paper on it so as not to let any part of skin come in contact with the bare seat. The clicking of mobile phone buttons as they play a quick game of snake or nokia golf. Then I sit there willing them to finish so that I can go! Why? Because on no condition can they know that was me in there, way too embarassing - for them too, they don't want me to know it's them either!
It's like (I think they mentioned this on Radio 1 the other day) if someone comes in for a pee while you're on the loo, just for a laugh, flush the toilet and hear how fast they wash their hands and leave, they don't want to see who's in there any more than you want them to see that's it you that was in there!

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