Thursday 17 March 2011

I need a Doctor?

So I hear this new song, a girl singing softly, she needs a doctor. Not bad, quite interested. Then Eminem starts whining away in that droning, high pitched whinge like a kid throwing a tantrum. Everytime I hear him I get a picture of a 4 year old kicking off in the supermarket, kicking and screaming because his mum won't let him have cocopops. How long's he been angry now? 11, 12 years? What is there still to be mad at after 12 years?! His next album has a song on about how when he opens a packet of crisps, they're only half full. I got some lyrics for one of the tunes...
"But the bitch drives me crazy, I don't want her alive,
Cos the speed limit's 50, but she only goes 35."
It's called "Stuck in traffic". I tell you, when he gets to that second verse I'm so glad I'm not a roadworker.

Also, 1 very quick comment on Kesha. She uses the line ..."And now the dudes are linin up cause they hear we got swagger. But we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger" Now that is classic example of saying any old shit just to make the next line rhyme. She's implying there she doesn't give any guy a second look unless they look like Mick Jagger? Has she seen Mick Jagger?! He's one of the ugliest blokes in the history of music! And nearly 70 so the only thing he'd be giving her is a Werthers Original.
So basically guys what she's saying is, her idea of a perfect man is a fuck ugly septagenarian with lips that a glazer could use to hold the glass in place for him? Daft cow.