Sunday 1 February 2009

Musical legends? Rubbish!

Media is a very powerful thing, I've touched briefly on it being responsible for making absolute nobodies into celebrities by insisting on telling us their every move and plastering them on the front pages for no real reason – Paris. But it also tells us how to look, what's socially acceptable and the topic of this column, what music we should be listening to. Now I realise that at the moment its cool to be different and like what society tells us not to, usually a lot of noise and shouting by male people who like to wear eye makeup, and are mad at their parents. But society still tells us who our so called musical legends are, did anyone decide these people were legends? Did we agree, or are we just going along with it. Take the Rolling Stones for example, they were big in the sixties, well so was British Leyland, if you were to stop now and listen back, were they actually any good? I think they were crap, and basically David Bowie's whole career, what was that about?! How did these people get famous, surely when people finally sobered up from whatever chemicals and plants they'd been devouring they realised it was complete rubbish. Kate Bush!! People say Mariah Carey communicates to dolphins when she sings, Kate was doing it 20 years before! What a complete load of drivel, I laughed when I heard Wuthering Heights I thought it was a novelty record! Rod Stewart, Do ya think I'm sexy? Funnily enough Rod, no, you are infact one of the ugliest people on the planet, and that includes Donatella Versace, and that bird from Everything but the Girl. But who will be the Legends of the future? Oasis? I bought What’s the Story? And was well into them, I still think that album was our generations' Dark Side of the Moon, everybody owned a copy, but essentially they copied the Beatles. Madonna? God I hope not, she just doesn't know when to call it a day. My money's on the Fast Food Rockers…


I've done it, I've broken the law, I am now a criminal. My crime, the most despicable of all, talking on my phone, whilst driving….
I can see the concern here in that because I'm using my ears and mouth to have a conversation, I may spontaneously develop colour blindness and not be able to decipher the traffic light system. Or become so engrossed in my chat that I inadvertently forget all my years of driving experience and that you're not supposed to drive on the pavement and collect people in your grille. Of course the kind officers with whom I dealt with didn’t see it this way and said something about using both hands to drive, or whatever.
They caught me fair and square but I feel the handbrake turn and consequent chase through traffic with lights and sirens were a bit "OTT" considering the level of my crime. I saw them coming in the opposite direction, they saw me, saw the phone. I looked in the rear view to see them spin around, hit the lights and give chase, funnily enough I then dropped my phone. At this point I did what most people do and pretended that I hadn’t done anything and wasn't in trouble, I stared straight ahead, turned up my stereo and wound down my window (trying to create circumstances unsuitable for phone use to reason with later). I then did the surprised "who me?" sideways glance as the rozzers pulled alongside me to "persuade" me off the road. The only place safe to pull over was a car park in the middle of a retail park, surrounded by a McDonalds, Curry's and Focus DIY, and lots of shoppers. After it was made clear they would not be coming to me, I was beckoned to the car, and then redirected to the other side, and then to get into the back of the car. It was a big Volvo T5 meaning that to talk to the nice officers I had to hold on to the backs of the front seats and lean forward like an excited child trying to see the interesting stuff his dad did to make the car move. They asked why they'd pulled me over, I did think "if you don't know I'm not going to tell you" but common sense won the battle, well almost, I tried to blag it. "I bet you saw me answer the phone" "Yes you were on your phone" " I literally picked it up to say I'm sorry I'm driving, I'll call you back" "Then Sir, that beggars the question why answer to say you can’t speak?"
Shit, this clearly wasn't going to work. So after the textbook chastising and belittling about hands free kits, they gave me a ticket for 3 points and a £60 fine. I said was worried about the effect of the points on my insurance, this was the following conversation between the two coppers. "Well, IF you choose to declare it, it won’t matter anyway, I got 6 points and it didn’t affect me" "6?! Is that all you got, I've got more than that and mine's not affected"
I didn’t have any until you two jokers pulled me over! It's not a competition!! I thought "bloody hell I'm in Superbad! That makes me Mclovin!" And one of them was a fellow strawberry blonde, what ever happened to solidarity?